Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dressing for a Renaissance Faire

When people find out I frequent the Bristol Renaissance Faire, the number one question I get is: What do you wear?

My answer: Clothes. Then I explain how working at a faire is much different than attending a faire.

Workers have to abide by a dress code that often doesn't allow for much imaginative play. Clothes must be a certain style, length, and color scheme. You also have to factor in your social ranking. Plus, when it gets super hot outside, we can only shed so many layers. Those members of the Royal Court who I envy on colder weekends as they sashay around with velvet and heavy brocade become my objects of pity on 90+ degree days.

But for those of you who attend the faire for fun and games - the clothing options are endless! The only real rule you need to keep in mind is "Will I be comfortable in this all day?".

For some, that means tshirts, shorts, and sneakers. For others, it's dressing up as Captain Jack Sparrow. Frankly, going to a renaissance faire is a time when you can wear anything you want and not be judged. Cherie has been known to grab her camera and take photos of people in their outfits as they walk past. I mean, where else are you going to see a guy with cardboard Gladiator armor, a gaggle of elves, or a troll on stilts?

Here are some suggestions for items that can add a little more "flair" to your  faire-wear this summer. And you better make sure to stop in the Mystic Moon Media booth to show off your outfits!

Utilikilt for Men
Hobbit Feet
On Gossamer Wings - Posie Wings
Chainmail helm by Celestial Chainmail
Pirate Buccaneer Coat

Damsel in this Dress Steampunk Corset

Legend of Zelda - Link Cosplay