Allow me to explain from the beginning. Around the first of the month, Cherie noticed signs of a wee folk infestation around her house. Cookies were replaced with pinecones, tiny muddy footprints were everywhere, items were disappearing.
Then Cherie began leaving them little tokens as suggested by our Facebook fans and the wee folk really made themselves at home. So much so that they created a secret home on one of her window sills.
Upon finding their makeshift home after moving a bookcase during a bout of spring cleaning, Cherie called me to come over and help her try to locate the wee folk before they make their March exodus to the outdoors. We looked and looked and looked some more. Under beds, in window valances, between kitchen appliances, in attic rafters - you name it, we looked.
Worn out, I suggested she just take a photo of the little house and we could post that to her Facebook page. After she snapped a few photos, we looked through them to find the best one to upload. Guess who decided to make an appearance:
Seems the lace, berries, booties, bell, and colored stones she laid out for them was put to good use. Cherie wants me to come over again tomorrow to resume our search of the wee folk, but I have a feeling that we won't catch a glimpse of them in person unless they want us to. For now, we'll have to settle for this photo.
This piece of art was created with the help of our awesome Facebook and Twitter fans. Every time a person makes a comment on our "story of the month", they help influence the direction Cherie takes the artwork. Plus, one of the lucky folks who comments will win a free copy of that month's print! *Even if you make 290 comments, you are only entered once.
A new creature adventure begins on March 1, so come and join us on the journey!
PS: Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors in this post. Spellcheck isn't working and I am exhausted from our wee folk search today. (Yawn)