Hi, Everyone!
I'd like to introduce myself as the new technology brownie at Mystic Moon Media. That would be the sprite-type of brownie, not the delicious chocolaty kind. Though I am a little nutty...
My job is to keep you updated about the new things happening at Mystic Moon Media. If you are reading this blog, then you are probably already a fan of Cherie's artwork. It takes her anywhere between 16 - 60 + hours to create a new art piece, which doesn't leave lots of time for Facebook posts, Twitter feeds, blog articles, newsletters, and so on.
Fear not, Cherie will still be giving everyone sneaks peeks of new projects and interacting with her customers through Facebook and Twitter on occasion. And do we have some awesome sales and contests in store for you!
I feel honored to be part of this fabulous fantasy art community and look forward to getting to know all of you.
Let the wild rumpus begin!