Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Artist Envy: Schin Loong

First of all... are you on Etsy?  If not... go there now and sign up!  There are AMAZING artists on Etsy (some questionable ones too)... but the majority of these artist have talent and I am envious!

Today’s spotlight is Schin Loong.  Truly amazing!  I just love her skill in digital painting.  And her subject matter... how does she think of it? 

I am an ACEO (artist trading card) fanatic... I am truly addicted... and I have a few of Schin’s jewels in my collection.  My first was “Moth Eater” and my favorite .  Schin says “This painting represents death and the end of all things. The moths brings the beautiful woman news of a death and she sheds a single bloody tear.”  I feel that with the color palate of earth tones and golds she makes this a very soft and heartfelt piece.  I can simply imagine the moths whispering to her. I just love it!

For some of my other jewels by Schin... I have “Rose Eater” and “The Brief Glimpse” just to name a few.  My newest one... “The Blood Eater” is up there on my fav scale with Moth Eater.  The softness and fluid in the way that Schin paints the subject is what brings this one home for me.  You can feel as if you are there floating beside her.  The way she paints the shadows and light makes you feel that you can just reach in and touch the subject.

Well I hope that Schin paints for a long time.  Her work just makes fills me with wonder... and the world will be less without her art to inspire!  Also... I will need more ACEO’s to add to my collection!  Thanks Schin!

Please visit her Etsy and Website to view more of her work!